
TWEEZERS FOR SPORING vandaka plants × Toyama Hamono

¥2,800 税込

なら 手数料無料の 翌月払いでOK


These tweezers are made in collaboration of
vandaka plants and Toyama Hamono
Custom made products especially for
platycerium spore culture works
Good for delicate works such as
replanting sporophytes
They are elaborately made yet easy
to handle with

Toyama Hamono is a company from
Tsubame Sanjo in Niigata
which is a famous local industry area
for cutlery production in Japan
It is a long established company since 1861
in the Edo era
The quality of beautiful cutlery products
made through many processes of
traditional techniques fascinates people
all over the world
The tweezers are made of stainless steel
so that easy to be maintained their beauty
and functionality

Hope you enjoy your gardening life more with the tweezers



  • 送料・配送方法について

  • お支払い方法について

¥2,800 税込
